A collection of clean beauty products from various brands, featuring skincare, body care, and cosmetics with natural ingredients.

Natural Skincare Review

Have you thought about switching to healthier skincare and cosmetics? Not sure what to expect? I’m currently making the switch to Clean Beauty and it’s no easy process but I believe it’s ultimately best for having the most beautiful, clear skin.

After doing lots of research and trying many products, I have learned there are a number of brands and online stores that provide amazing options for clean beauty and cosmetics such as The Detox MarketCredoThrive CausemeticsThe Honest Company, and my personal favorite brand, Beauty Counter. Expect switching to Green Beauty to be a slow process filled with lots of reading and research that will result in your best skin yet!


I almost wish I could go back. Back a year ago when I had no idea what ingredients were in anything. In that previous life, I would purchase new beauty things to try, create a beautiful look with them, then bask in all my amazing harsh chemical glory … it was easier being naive about what I was putting on my skin. But once your made aware, there’s no going back!

A co-worker introduced me to all of the toxins and chemicals that surround our everyday life. I was shocked to learn that in the beauty and cosmetic industry regulations are minimal in the US. There’s so many ingredients to look at and figure out. Like methylchloroisothiazolinone. Real word, look it up. Your skin absorbs everything and we constantly put harsh products on it daily. By incorporating a healthier skincare routine, I’m hoping to fix imperfections and not have to cover them up with makeup.

Wouldn’t it just be amazing to throw everything out and start over with all clean and natural products?! That would cost a substantial amount of money and time researching the right products to get. Instead, my plan is to slowly start turning my life in the direction of green and healthier products.


The cleanest and most effective brand I’ve found so far is Beauty Counter. Not only are their products free from over 1800 chemicals, they actually work! I’m almost 30 now and it seems like the age where wrinkles and skin damage is starting to become visible. I have such dry skin and within two weeks of using the CounterMatch line, my skin was looking WAY better.

I was pleasantly surprised with the amount of product in their containers. It defiantly didn’t feel like I was paying full price only to receive something that didn’t contain much product. I currently have the Countermatch Regimen Set and will be buying it again in the future!

Woman holding a jar of clean skincare product, showcasing her switch to natural beauty products.


Green beauty is nothing new. While most of it is new to me, it’s been around for a very long time. When I first decided to use healthier cosmetics and skincare products I had no idea where to look but with much research and reading, I’ve found there are actually quite a few places that offer organic beauty items along with a number of great resources for learning more about the green beauty industry. I’m always finding new companies and things to try. Here are some of my favorite brands and places to shop for clean beauty: 

  • Beauty Counter
  • Credo
  • The Detox Market
  • Thrive Causemetics
  • The Honest Company

I’ve had some amazing results with some of these brands in such a short time. I’m trying to get to the root of the problems first and starting with skincare. It’s not realistic for most people to throw out all of their lotions, shower gels, makeup, moisturizer, etc. at once. Instead, soon before you run out of something, start looking at some of these places for a healthier alternative with natural ingredients. Have a list of makeup brands and organic skincare lines you want to try. Then when you get low on something, try a new clean item out!

Another way get started would be to sign up for an organic beauty subscription. The Detox BoxOrganic Bunny BoxClean Beauty Box, and Beauty Heroes are all ones that I’m hoping to try! Credo also has some great discovery boxes. Some of my favorite people to follow are This Organic GirlBeauty by BritanieJenna CatherineOrganic Beauty Blogger, and Organic Bunny.

Three clean beauty sets displayed on a table: Hydrator Set, Discovery Set, and Fresh Start Set.


Any lifestyle change is hard and takes dedication and consistency. When you start looking at organic beauty, you won’t find most of the same products you’re used to. Theres much more of a focus on skincare than cosmetics. It’s also not cheap. As you would expect, it costs more to get quality products. You will also notice there’s more oils and serums in the green beauty world. So far, my absolute favorite oil is the Tata Harper Retinoic Nutrient Face Oil. Cleared my red face in two days! True Botanicals is another great oil brand that has super anti-age fighting greatness.

Woman holds a bottle of Tata Harper skincare, highlighting a clean beauty product.

Another thing to expect when switching to clean beauty is the smells. Because artificial fragrance isn’t added to many of them, the scents can be different than what you’re used to. Some are really strong for me personally, but I still use them because they really work. It’s not that they all smell bad, they are just more plant and flower smelling.

There’s so many clean cosmetic brands out there now that you should have no issues finding something that works for you. Credo and The Detox Market have a great variety of things to try. Many brands offer samples so you can make sure you’re getting the right shades. But again, my favorite for clean skincare and makeup is Beauty Counter. It really is a one stop shop. And they just partnered with Sephora so you can now find their products there too.

While it can be overwhelming at first to look into healthier beauty and skincare products, it will be the most beneficial in the long run. Start small and replace things here and there as you need. If you like this post or have any suggestions for me, please leave me a comment below, I would love to hear from you! 


September 25, 2020


Kiella Lawrence


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